Thursday, July 24, 2014

Too Tired

This has been an exhausting week.  In the last five minutes, I pulled Tomass into the house for punching his brother's broken and still healing shoulder, attempted to put him in a time out and got kicked, punched and given the bird...

But I do want to take a minute to thank Rachel Nieman, friend and partner at COPE, for bringing us a beautiful dinner last night (which has turned into lunch today as well.)  Holy crap, a little goes a long way.

Thank you for your kindness!  Last night, instead of cooking and cleaning up - I read a few chapters in a mystery novel.  Ahhhhhh....


  1. That sounds stressful. Glad you got some reading in and good luck.

  2. How can you read just a few chapters of a mystery? Aren't you itching to learn the solution? I guess when you're tired, you're tired. Get whatever rest you can, my friend.
