Thursday, May 1, 2014

Adolescent Outfit

She is baby greens
In this eating world
Juicy, in a red-peppered sauce
Or leggings, skirt, jeans
Down a bustling hall
The gym teacher drools
A feast in the making
He sees only the salad
Her pace picks up
She tastes what girl-babies know
That scented, neck-prickle
Of being hungered for
Adjusting his blueberry-colored, athletic shorts
Her name rests on his raw lips
A sound like carrots screaming as they’re
Hauled from the ground.
"I can tell by your pants,"
The gym teacher whispers, “You want to be eaten.”

- by Juliet Bond

I wrote this poem for a Slutwalk Chicago event at an art gallery for survivors of sexual assault.  My own assault at nine-years-old is something I rarely write about.  But it was easy to channel for this poem. Still, it felt like too much to recite it in front of an audience. Instead, a nice, young actress at the event agreed to read it for me and I got to take a baby step out of my comfort zone, rather than a leap.

Of course, the poem is about the recent dress code controversy at my daughter's school.  This week, the school board met to implement a new policy.

There is no mention of pants or leggings in our new (district-wide) dress code.

According to the guidelines established by Evanston/Skokie District 65, student appearance, including dress and grooming, must not disrupt the educational process, interfere with maintaining a positive teaching/learning climate, or compromise standards for health, safety, and decency. In District 65, dress and grooming are important components of an overall positive learning environment. District 65
students and parents are expected to use good judgment in selecting attire for school. The district has established the following guidelines:

 Clothing or accessories that denote, suggest, display or reference alcohol, tobacco, or drugs or related paraphernalia or other illegal conduct or activities, including gang affiliation or activities is prohibited.

 Clothing and accessories that reasonably can be construed as being or including content that is racist, lewd, vulgar, or obscene, or that reasonably can be construed as containing fighting words, speech that incites others to imminent lawless action, defamatory speech, or threats to others.

 Outerwear should not be worn during the school day.

 Hats or head coverings are not permitted during the school day unless worn for religious or medical reasons.

 Shorts, skirts and dresses less than fingertip length (length of a straight arm extended on the leg) are prohibited.

 Bare midriff shirts are not allowed.

 Sleeveless shirts must encircle the arm.

 Revealing/transparent/sheer clothing is not permitted. Clothing must not reveal undergarments.

 Pants and shorts must be worn at the hip or above.

 Shoes that could jeopardize student safety are prohibited.

 Accessories that could be considered dangerous or weapons (ex. spiked necklace or bracelet) are prohibited.

Students will be asked to remove/replace clothing that is not in compliance with the dress code.


  1. pretty nice blog, following :)

    1. Thanks so much, Skyline! I will be visiting you.

  2. Writing the poem was a brave thing to do. You have become a woman who takes a stand in many ways. I am so proud of you!

    1. And you are the model of kindness, generosity and loyalty that I strive to be!

  3. You are AMAZING! I love your poem and your courage and you!

    1. Courage? Pffft. Have you met my friend Regina?
